
Saturday 3 January 2015

Ten Bits of Advice for Aspiring Authors

A few months ago while I was promoting my newest release Blood Curse, I was asked by an Interviewer 'What Ten Pieces of Advice I'd Give Aspiring Authors?' 

I love helping other authors, aspiring or otherwise. After all, we are all in this together. But if you're in this business to compete against your fellow writers and hold stock to who's selling more books, then you're writing for the wrong reasons. 

Write to tell a story--a damn good one.

1.     Write everyday, or try to. You will need this discipline when you’re published. If you do not have it you will never finish a novel.

2.     Throw your ego out the window. No one likes a know it all, and publishers, editors and your peers are no different. An ego will get you nowhere.

Write because you have to--it's a part of who 
you are. 

3.     Learn your grammar. Writing a book is not a simple task, but if you do not know the simple rules of grammar you will not succeed.

4.     Get an editor. This is an essential part of the writing process. An editor will see things you cannot. Their job is to enhance your writing through sentence structure, grammar, and suggestions. They should not re-write your novel.

Write to calm the voices inside your head.

5.     Know your audience. You cannot write a book if you do not know whom you’re writing it for. You will need to know this if you want to send to publishers.

6.     Write a blog. This will keep you writing in your down time and will give you a presence on social media. Most publishers ask for an online presence within their submission guidelines and this is a perfect way to do it.

    Write to tell a story--not sell a million books.

7.     Learn how to market. Social media is the main source of marketing for authors. Blog, meet other authors, tweet…engage.

8.     Be smart. Do not post things on social media you do not want thousands to read. Even if you only have 50 friends, if one shares and so on, a bad post could ruin your career.

Write for the sheer love of placing fingers 
to keyboard.

9.     Read. If you want to be a writer you need to be a reader first.

10.  Take writing classes. You will meet other writers. Receive bit of criticism on your work and learn things about the craft you never knew. breathe.


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