
Tuesday 30 September 2014

5 Questions with Krysta Ivers, Poet.

I am pleased to introduce my cousin and talented poet, Krysta Ivers. After I completed BLOOD CURSE I still felt something was missing. I asked Krysta if she'd be able to pen me a poem for the beginning of the book. The words she chose were amazing and I will share the poem with you at the end of this post. :)

Hi Krysta! Welcome to my website and blog. 

When did you start writing poems?

I started writing poetry when I was in grade 11, which was about 8 years ago. I wasn’t very serious about my writing until my English teacher found out that I wrote and started to encourage and push me. She is a woman I will always remember!

What inspires you to write such thought provoking and emotional prose?

To be completely blunt about it, the ugliness of life. Don’t get me wrong, life can be absolutely beautiful and astounding, but there are so many dark corners and painful twists that weave their way in. I find that I am the most inspired by the sinister, and sometimes even disturbing events that happen.

One of your poems is featured in the beginning of BLOOD CURSE. How difficult was it to write when you hadn’t read the book?

It was actually very easy for me. Once I started writing, everything just flowed. After discovering what the main concepts and emotions in the book were I was able to find an angle/mood that would be appropriate for Blood Curse. I used key words and phrases that were critical to the book and built the poem around them.

What was your goal when writing this poem?

My goal when writing this poem was to get readers intrigued and ready for an adventure. Blood Curse has far too much excitement to be summed up in a poem, but it was my intention to get their curiosity peaked and help them to feel the atmosphere of the book.

Have you had any of your works published? 

Yes I have! My very first published piece was an article I wrote for the Edmonton Journal in high school. Since then I have had 4 poems published and 3 short stories.

A twisted knife into the back.
Betrayal beyond belief.
Magic that is stained so black,
No good can bring relief.

Guilt and shame torment the soul,
For grief with heartbreak in its wake.
A pain so immense it’s dug a hole,
And left nothing else but hate.

Selfishness devours the mind.
Decisions are made in vain.
One cannot turn back the time,
And erase what’s on the slate.

But love can unfreeze the coldest heart,
And right the worst of wrongs.
Even in souls turned so dark,
Filled with hatred that holds on.

                                                                   The grasp that once held tight,
                                                                   Telling one to loathe,
                                                                     Forgiveness will soon fight,
                                                                    And force it to let go.

                                                                     With emotions in excess,
                                                                    Some will rise and others fall.
                                                                      Souls are put to the test,
                                                                       But will love conquer all?

                                                                                —Krysta Ivers

“Bully” in From Wayside and Woodland, Anthology of Verse
“Good Night” in Fire and Light, Anthology of Verse
“Confession of a Sinner” in Island Wonders, Anthology of Verse
“To Those Who Suffered” in Island Treasure, Anthology of Verse
Short Stories
“Memoirs of a Grieving Mother” in Fireside Dreams
“Going Home” in Lamplight Tales
“Forgive Me, Father” in From Across the River

One day left to pre-order BLOOD CURSE for $2.99!


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