
Sunday 23 August 2015


Welcome Andy Peloquin, author of the new book, BLADE OF THE DESTROYER. Like every author, I asked Andy why he writes and I wasn't surprised to see we have similarities when it comes to our passion for the written word. 

Why Do I Write?

I wonder how many authors have had this question posed to them. Probably most, if not all…
What drives us to sit down for hours at a time and put our thoughts down on paper? Why do we agonize over every word to make sure it's just right, and then go back and re-write it because we're not satisfied?

In my case, this is a bit like asking, "Why do you go to the gym?" or "Why do you eat food?" The answer is simple: because I MUST.
I'm a very expressive person, and I know how to use my words to communicate the point I'm trying to get across. But despite that, I have a VERY hard time being comfortable sharing my thoughts and feelings. A psychologist would say (and has said) that is stems from rejection issues and a load of other head-shrinking terms. To the layperson, it would be more along the lines of "As a child/teenager/young adult, I learned to keep my feelings bottled up."

It's hard to say what I think and feel, even to the ones closest to me. It's a personality defect or flaw, but it's one I'm dealing with.
Writing gives me the outlet that I can use to say what I think, feel, and believe. I can use the packaging of fiction to mask it, so no one will take it personally or be angered by what I'm trying to say. But without writing, I feel like I would explode from the built-up pressure of all the thoughts and feelings I have hidden away.

Here's an example:

I am the step-father to four (now) teenaged children. I've been at this for six years, but things have gotten progressively more difficult as the children enter their adolescent years. There are times when I want to wring the children's necks--as every parent has no doubt experienced.
But instead of shouting at the children, I sit down and I create a character who shares similar frustrations. 
In a future novel (coming in 2016!), the Hunter--the main character of my The Last Bucelarii series--will find himself frustrated at having to deal with a child. The bad-ass, half-demon assassin may not share the same struggles as I do (taking the kids to school, chasing after them to pick up their rooms, and so on), but that emotion is there. The Hunter is going to feel that same pent-up frustration that I do, and my writing that character gives me an outlet for the way I really feel.

Perhaps that is not everyone's reason for writing, but for me, my works of fiction are a diary or journal of sorts. It gives me a way to say what I'm thinking and feeling, and it functions as a metaphorical "punching bag" to let out the emotions I would otherwise bottle up.

Why do you write? What compels you to put pen to paper? I'd love to know, so drop a comment below or send an email to to share your story…

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Andy Peloquin--a third culture kid to the core--has loved to read since before he could remember. Sherlock Holmes, the Phantom of the Opera, and Father Brown are just a few of the books that ensnared his imagination as a child.

When he discovered science fiction and fantasy through the pages of writers like Edgar Rice Burroughs, J.R.R Tolkien, and Orson Scott Card, he was immediately hooked and hasn't looked back since.

Andy's first attempt at writing produced In the Days: A Tale of the Forgotten Continent. He has learned from the mistakes he made and used the experience to produce Blade of the Destroyer, a book of which he is very proud.

Reading—and now writing—is his favorite escape, and it provides him an outlet for his innate creativity. He is an artist; words are his palette.

His website ( is a second home for him, a place where he can post his thoughts and feelings--along with reviews of books he finds laying around the internet.

He can also be found on his social media pages, such as:

Thank you, Andy for being on my blog today! I wish you many sales and lot's of success with your new book!


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